Become a Member
It takes 2 easy steps to become a member of Amnesty International Canada:
Make a donation of any amount to Amnesty International Canada. You can make a secure donation on their website.
Send an email to and let them know that you would like to become a member of Amnesty International Canada.
To maintain impartiality, Amnesty International Canada does not accept any money from the Canadian government. Amnesty is completely dependent on funds contributed by people like you.
Amnesty International Toronto Organization (AITO) members at the airport to welcome home Hamid Ghassemi-Shall. Amnesty International began a letter-writing campaign on his behalf when the Canadian-Iranian was sentenced to death in Iran in 2008. Hamid was released and returned home to his wife Antonella Mega after over 5 years in prison.
Hamid Ghassemi-Shall and his wife Antonella Mega upon arrival at the airport.
How AITO Fits into Amnesty International’s Structure
A global movement, Amnesty International has sections in more than 70 countries around the world. Sections carry out Amnesty International’s work at a national and/or regional level.
In Canada, we have two branches of Amnesty International Canada: the English Branch headquartered in Ottawa, and the Francophone Branch headquartered in Montreal. AITO promotes the priorities of Amnesty International Canada within the GTA and supports local members with their grassroots activism.
Have questions, ideas, or want to discuss how you can make a difference?